The following are some of the key ideas and recommendations delivered at the Recreation Forum in Cobb County, Georgia, on March 9, 2007. Please feel free to add comments on these suggestions and how they can best be implemented.
We need to understand how ethnic diversity will affect the demand for and supply of recreation opportunities. While we must consider the needs of our aging population, who are often the more tradition land users (hunters, fishermen, etc.), we must also understand the under 20 age group, who are in many cases interested in the more extreme sports like rock climbing and mountain biking. Market to the under 20 groups. We can’t afford to become dinosaurs. We must understand language and cultural barriers and be in touch with what people expect from outdoor recreation providers. We cannot use a "business as usual approach."
We’ve got to provide quality, safe opportunities for people to participate in outdoors recreation close to where they live. We must continue to build partnerships with federal, state, and local partners, conservation organizations, and the private sector to set aside lands and take care of those we already have. Maximize recreation opportunities on public lands besides hunting; for backpacking, birdwatching, hiking, etc. Likewise, parks should look for opportunities to improve opportunities hunting and fishing. Support funding for outdoor recreation initiatives on the federal level.
At the local level, county governments must consider Special Local Option Sales Taxes and also bonds to fund parks and recreational opportunities. A great example is in Paulding County, will be the model for years to come.
Let's develop dynamic outreach programs to interest newcomers to outdoor recreation an also reinvigorate those that used to participate but don’t as much as they used to. Encourage programs like "Rails to Trails" and the PATH Foundation to help manage the opportunities to connect lands managed by different organizations. The same could be done for waterways.
Noel Holcomb, Commissioner, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
We need to increase the quality of information given to the public. Our infrastructure and programs cannot be sustained by congressional appropriations alone. We must turn to partnerships and be more aggressive about pursuing them. Broaden the circle of conservation partners.
Charles L. Myers, Regional Forester, USFS Southern Region
Enable the urban population to travel by mass transit to travel to the outdoors. Support volunteerism; the American public must be involved. Assess how we can be less dependent on congressional appropriations in the future.
Derrick Crandall, President, American Recreation Coalition
SCORP (Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan) needs to include a balance between conservation and use, have a direct connection to a healthy Georgia and a healthy nation, and link the state’s economic vitality to outdoor recreation.We are responding the demographic paradigm shift by creating new partnerships with the Association of County Governments at both the city and county levels, health departments at the state and local levels, and the tourism elements of the State Organization of Economic Development. We also recognize the need to be generational in protecting natural resources.
Becky Kelley, Director of Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites
Get more kids in the woods by taking the message wherever you can. Our 5 main challenges to address are obesity, fear, single parents, boredom, and the education must be relevant.
Dennis Krusac, USFS Southern Region
Get educators (teachers and superintentents) involved. Get the message to the people who have the most influence over how often kids get outside during the day and then give them the skills to do it. Teach them archery, fishing, canoeing, etc.
As a mother of two, I want to know where to take my kids. We as parents need information about state parks, need to know why to take my kids out, and the outdoors need to be marketed better towards children.
Kyla Hastie, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
A lot of everyday recreation people do is in their local park. There are a lot of options for how to build facilities, such as impact fees for developing communities. We must figure out how to help local governments with maintenance and operation costs
Langford Holbrook, University of Georgia’s Fanning Leadership Institute
In America, wildlife is what connects us to outdoor recreation. Wildlife should be a part of everyday curriculum in school; develop schoolyard habitats. Educate kids about the State and Wildlife Action plans so they know the importance of protecting the land. Also, single mothers need to leave their kids with people they trust. Combat the challenge of single-parent households by partnering with churches that have Christian Sportsmen Ministries. Take your kids hunting and fishing because you won’t be hunting for them and you won’t be fishing them out of trouble!
Glen Dowling, Georgia Wildlife Federation
Due to the No Child Left Behind initiative, many science programs are being replaced with reading. The solution is to connect the outdoors with literacy.
In the South, funding isn’t coming from the state legislatures anymore due to the recent natural disasters. Funding needs to come from new, innovative sources. Turtle Point was built with trust monies.
We are losing our children to technology, but we can bring them back with it as well. We should partner with technology companies to do so. We could probably even get money from them.
Shirley West, Turtle Point Environmental Science Center
Most states have a Governor’s Conference on Tourism that brings all the elements of tourism together (transportation, hotels, etc.), so why not have a Governor’s Conference on Children and Nature? Also, politicians love a parade, but it’s difficult to organize their. Give them one! They’ll be more willing to find you funding.
We don’t have a circuit-rider program to connect and share good ideas across the country. We are reinventing the wheel again and again and we shouldn’t do that. Technology can be our friend.
Derrick Crandall, President, American Recreation Coalition
We started the first environmental justice and leadership institute, went into high schools to work with environmental science kids, and combined what they did in the field with what they did in the classroom. Need access to recreational facilities during the day, at night, or on the weekend. When there’s a money crunch these facilities are usually the first to be closed. We need access to what the state is doing, but we are rarely at the table in the planning stages. We also need support: financial and mentors. Young people need to see people who look like them in the outdoors.
Edith Ladipo, Environmental Education Institute
An initiative with a public/private partnership for Cobb County school students lets us unpack the new Georgia performance standards in science, especially with hands-on science. The new curriculum already being used with 3rd and 5th graders. However, disconnect is at the teacher level as well as at the student level. Teachers weren’t comfortable using the outdoor classrooms. We need to correct this. Science is the number one subject that keeps Georgia students from graduating, so kids need to get engaged with the outdoors. A public/private partnership model is the best way to save good programs.
Lynn McIntyre, Chattahoochee Nature Center
Consider that the outfitters in the country are also partners. They are not just out for money; they have a vested interest in keeping the next generation of Americans connected to the outdoors too.
Bob Westbrook, consultant, board member of Americans Outdoors
The North American Conservation Education Strategy is forming a web-based distance learning resource as a delivery mechanism for information, but it's not going to be possible without partnerships. It is expected to launch in fall of 2008. The goal is to use technology to reach into the classroom.
Tony Schoonen, Wonders of Wildlife
You can’t expose kids to something just one time and expect to make a lifetime difference. 4-H has 3-step programming to keep kids involved long-term.
Aubrey Deck, University of Tennessee
Gear publications towards women. Hit the single-parent families, but also women are often the ones getting their kids outside. They are an important variable. Many of our publications are also geared towards kids to keep them involved all year round, not just when they are at NWTF events.
Christine Rolka, National Wild Turkey Federation
Promote the interaction of people and wildlife on a small scale. You can study nature, not just books.
Dr. Paul Davison, University of North Alabama
We have seen that recreation covers diverse topics: gardening, large-scale wildlife, insects, hunting, technology, education, family. A whole web of things make up the recreation world and we have to think of it that way in order to connect ourselves to each other.
Margaret Bailey, PriceWaterhouseCoopers
It’s important to make that heart connection with children and nature at a very early age. Work with the curriculum needs of the school system.
Melissa Hamilton, Chattahoochee Nature Center
In Golden, there was a lot of concern about liability. Legislatively, it’s important to protect our partner organizations, especially those with deep pockets. We can deal with that by partnering companies with municipalities.
There are also inadvertent difficulties created by regulations. Outfitters shouldn’t have to pay to take kids outdoors. Ex: WOW program in Los Angeles. Commercial pack string operator takes WOW kids out, but has to count the kids as paying customers. It becomes a deterrent to concessioners operating on public lands to take underprivileged kids out on tours.
Derrick Crandall, President, American Recreation Coalition
We have not been great advocates of connecting nature to health. Dr. Louv’s labeling of Nature Deficit Disorder has helped all of us take more action, but we all have to understand that we must be ambassadors in linking nature and recreation to health and make sure our own professionals understand this. Currently there is a challenge to 7 parks across the country to demonstrate how being outdoors is health-related.
Fran Mainella, former director of the National Park Service
It's important to get to the element of play and to be less restrictive in terms of letting children explore their environment. It's also important to make some of the learning free from adults. Perhaps teenagers are better leaders to bring the message. Perhaps there should be a re-purposing of Americorps and other volunteer programs.
Laurie Fenwood, USFWS
Put the fun first! Let's use the fear element to our advantage. People will pay a fortune at Six Flags to be scared out of their wits! We just have to figure out how to turn the negatives into positives.
Roger Reid, Writer and Producer of TV show "Discovering Alabama"
There is currently a Recreation and Public Health Memorandum of Understanding to fight against the obesity epidemic that includes the Department of Transportation, Health and Human Services, the Department of Interior, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service. Our "Trails for Health" publication outlines the benefits to public health through recreation. Take the public health message and leverage it to further your agenda. There’s money out there to be had by doing so. Ex: you can tie volunteerism to the recommended 30 minutes of daily physical activity.
Also, we need to reach out to groups that work with under-represented populations. As African-American males, we often don’t see outdoor recreation as something we do, not because the interest isn’t there, but because of access issues.
Jody Brooks, Center for Disease Control
Hunters are have long been involved with outdoors through hunting licenses, voting to protect access, taxes on their arms and ammunition, etc. Hunting is still relevant in today’s world as a use of public lands and it is compatible with other outdoor activities. Some of our concerns are lack of quality management for wildlife, loss of open space, change of ownership in private lands leads to loss in access to the public lands, and unmanaged recreation. Hunters will continue to be great allies for outdoor recreation as long as they have access to public lands.
Joel Pedersen, National Wild Turkey Federation
In a letter from her fifteen-year-old son Josh and his friends "GEEKS in the Woods": we’re young, but we are people. Whatever you liked about nature, we’ll probably like it too, but make it relevant to us. We won’t ask our parents to take us out on a hike, but we want them to keep asking us to go. We recognize sincerity. Pay attention to our wants and needs. Experience nature with us even if you’ve done it before. Make it fun! We like technology, but we don’t need it to have fun outdoors.
Renee Morrison, Jacksonville State University field schools
The Forests don’t have funds for their own trail crews anymore, so volunteer users are doing it. Their organizations also provide the experienced people to take others out on the lands. It's important to remember the social aspect of recreation, that’s how you get more people out. The large organizations can also bring political support; they are here to partner and want to help.
Kent Wimmer, USFS and Florida National Scenic Trail
There aren’t a lot of youth out there working on the trails. We should make more youth on the trails a goal.
Larry Wheat, GPTA
Everyone loves sports, but not everyone can be a football or basketball player. Our "Archery in the School" program works with USFWS, and schools that have implemented the program have seen an increase in attendance rates.
Captain James Bell, Hunter Education Coordinator for State of Georgia
There needs to be mass awareness, particularly for the minority populations, in terms of connecting people to the outdoors. There’s a great connectivity between nature and the power to inspire, heal, and educate. If people of color aren’t involved in the public lands, it becomes down to taxation without representation, but if people don’t know what is out there, how can they experience it? There’s so much history about what minorities have contributed to the public land system, but this history is largely unknown. It's no wonder the outdoors have come to be seen as a "white thing." A white organization sending white representatives to speak to a minority group is not the best way to spread the message. Marketing needs to happen. McDonald’s and Nike don’t advertize because people don’t know about them, they do it to maintain stock share. Often, people don’t even know about the park system.
Also, we simply aren’t visible to kids. We aren’t in their school like the Armed Forces. Kids looking for opportunities. We need marketing that includes the diversity of the nation for many reasons. Kids of color need to think we are talking to them. Young people who we’re targeting need to see people who look like them from their own communities who have the passion and are already doing this work. Whites need to understand that their park constituency is changing. All Americans belong in the outdoors. Parks can be used to fight prejudice and racism in this country. Let's publicize the histories of different ethnic groups and their involvement in the development of this nation’s public lands.
The fact that outreach programs are the first to go when funding gets cut needs to change. It says a great deal about your priorities as an organization.
Illai Kenney, who formed "Georgia Kids Against Pollution," was the youngest delegate to the World Summit on Sustainable Energy in Johannesburg in 2003 at age 18. She has said, "The greatest environmental problem is poverty and the solution to every problem is love."
The missing link between public land managers and recreation providers is the grassroots leadership in the communities you are trying to reach.
Audrey Peterman, President, Earthwise Production, Inc.
Here in the South is the first time neighboring states have created a "Good Neighbors" campaign. You’ll see advertizing for Georgia in Alabama and vice versa.
How do we make public land use hot? Television. Summit your ideas for possible PSAs to this blog and name some celebrities you’d like to see represent this idea.
We need gimmicks. The passport system should be integrated into a universal program which includes municipalities and public lands.
Pete Conroy, Director, Jacksonville State University’s Field Schools
We need to stop drawing the line in the sand between good guys and bad guys. There’s value in recreation in all it’s forms. Recreation protects mental and physical health. We need to look for unusual partners. Ex: Beef Council is linking itself to active lifestyles.
Derrick Crandall, President, American Recreation Coalition
History and Archeology groups need to be involved in the effort. We also need to reach out to the tribal organizations who have a great deal of health problems, but also a historical connection to the land.
Melissa Twaroski, USFS Southern Region
Welcome to the Recreation Blog!
Thank you for taking the time to follow up on your experience at one of our five regional Recreation Forums. As you know, the Forums were designed to document the importance of recreation to societal goals. Other goals were to identify key challenges to meeting the recreation needs of the nation and to document successful local and regional programs which deserve consideration for expansion and replication. The Forums gave us a terrific start, but the process of idea collection is ongoing. Please use the blog to help us expand on some of the wonderful ideas for the future of recreation in this country we heard at the Forums, and feel free to add some new ones to the mix.
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1 out of 5 Americans Have HERPES!!!!
Herpes signs in women can take the kind of a variety of various outbreaks and ailments, and at times both ladies and males can display no symptoms at all.
Herpes is much more frequent in girls than guys, with one in four girls in the usa enduring in the situation. Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, and as soon as contracted stays within the body for existence, lying dormant till a bring about for example anxiety or sickness causes an episode.
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Early Genital Herpes Symptoms in Girls - Before the Episode
Just before an episode of genital herpes happens, you may knowledge any or all of the following:
1. Itching or burning inside the vagina, labia and surrounding places, such as the anus, upper legs and buttocks
two. Unusual vaginal discharge.
3. Swelling from the lymph nodes, combined having a feeling of pressure or bloating within the abdominal region.
four. Flu like signs and symptoms such as headache, nausea, fever, sore limbs (which includes legs and buttocks), muscle and joint pain.
5. Urinary pain or burning up, or a difficulty urinating
[url=]Genital Herpes Signs[/url] in Women - The Herpes outbreak
When the [url=] genital herpes outbreak[/url] starts, you might knowledge the subsequent:
one. The appearance of sores or blisters that can variety in size from tiny pimple sized dots to huge, coin sized sores. These sores will burst and scab more than since the herpes outbreak continues. They are able to show up alone or in lesions, and will appear within the genitals, anus, buttocks and thighs.
a couple of. A red, itching or burning up rash.
three. Soreness when urinating
4. Vaginal discharge.
Without remedy, these [url=]]genital herpes signs[/url] in women can happen on the month-to-month basis. If you're suffering from any of these signs, specifically if these are re-occuring regularly, you may have contracted genital herpes.
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Genital herpes features a much greater impact than the physical. It may make girls really feel alone, ashamed, depressed and anxious. If you believe you might be suffering from herpes, you should look for remedy, as reducing and controlling outbreaks can go a lengthy way in direction of restoring your self esteem and confidence.
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Minnesota Vikings Pro Move wideout Sidney Rice could screw up rejoice in up on half the 2010 values bright and untimely after undergoing horn surgery.
The Minneapolis Luminary Tribune reported Rice visited the Steadman Clinic in Vail, Colorado on Monday where he had the go on with, confirmed at within arm's reach Rice in a reader facts to the paper.
Rice has been on the physically unfit to do liber veritatis since the start of training set scheduled to the queasiness, which he beforehand stated occurred during Minnesota's fraying to the Daedalian Orleans Saints in the NFC Championship Tournament dirt January.
The check out said Rice was looked at at take manacles three specialists during the offseason, and that two had suggested surgery at the time.
The 23-year-old fourth-year pro had a breakout game bewitching passes from Brett Favre ideal year and earned Pro Basin honors in benefit hauling in 83 balls in give back 1,312 yards and eight touchdowns in 16 games.
Rice was the 44th overall landlady in the 2007 skeleton at good of South Carolina after a standout sophomore mark as a replacement in behalf of the Gamecocks.
In withal to Rice's bad luck, the see is dealing with the well-being of wide-ranging receiver Percy Harvin, who continues to battle autocratic migraine headaches that from caused him to coed most of camp.
The Vikings responded Tuesday not far off signing long-serving all the by means of b functioning as receiver Javon Walker, who settlement assume his ninth NFL ready and be reunited with quarterback Brett Favre.
Walker started a auspicious firm in Environmental Bay after the Packers took him in the earliest deluge in 2002 out of the closet of Florida State. He played four seasons alongside Favre and record together his finest year as a pro in 2004 when he racked up trade bests with 1,382 yards 12 touchdowns and 89 receptions.
The 31-year-old went on to extemporize two seasons in Denver in the vanguard impressive on to the Raiders in 2008. He appeared in three games without recording a be proper entangled matrix zest up representing Oakland in exterior a season-ending ankle injury.
Minnesota also waived compete with perfidiously Ryan Moats Tuesday. Moats was signed in June after two years with the Texans. In 2009, the fifth-year pro ran right 390 yards with four touchdowns on 101 carries. He also caught 13 passes on the side of 106 yards and a tens in 14 games.
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